Global Dairy

Market Experts

HighGround Dairy is a leader in providing global dairy analysis, research and opinion, hedging strategy along with derivative execution and insurance services—empowering you to make informed decisions.

Dairy Risk Management Services

HighGround Dairy provides global dairy market intelligence, strategic hedge advisory programs, derivative hedge execution and dairy insurance services to a diverse range of dairy market participants throughout the supply chain.

dairy market intel

Dairy Market Intelligence

Subscribe to the latest dairy market insights, data and tools from HighGround's team of specialists.

Hedging & Execution

Hedging & Execution

Tailor-made hedge plans along with efficient futures, options, and OTC execution services.

Market Advisory

Dairy Consulting

Customized dairy advisory, research, education and training solutions.


Dairy Insurance

DRP or LGM dairy insurance coverage with insight from HG Dairy risk advisors.

Schedule A Call With An Expert Today!

Use the form below to request a quick 15-minute discovery call with a dairy market expert to learn how to gain strong insight into global dairy markets and discuss strategies that best fit your company’s risk strategy.