White Paper: FMMO

Recommended Decision Analysis

Dive into HighGround Dairy's 19-page report on USDA's recommended amendments to the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) pricing formulas.

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Key Highlights:
📊 USDA Recommendations: Explore the proposed amendments to the FMMO pricing formulas in a clear and accessible manner, and understand their impact on the industry.
📜 Justifications: Grasp the reasoning behind the USDA's recommendations, backed by hearing testimonies, record evidence, and post-hearing briefs.
💰 Price Impacts: Learn about the short-term and long-term effects on commodity, component, and class prices.
🔍 HighGround's Opinion: Benefit from HighGround Dairy's expert analysis and opinions on the proposed changes, offering valuable industry perspectives.
📆 Updated Timeline: View what's next in the FMMO Modernization process.

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Report Authors:

Alex Gambonini, Senior Manager of Advisory Services, HighGround Dairy


Originally hailing from Petaluma, California, Alex was raised on her family's dairy farm, fostering her love for the industry from a young age. She pursued her education at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, where she earned her bachelor's degree in Dairy Science and Agricultural Business. Later, she furthered her studies at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, obtaining a master's degree in Applied Economics. During her time in Minnesota, Alex conducted research focused on dairy farm profitability, showcasing her dedication to understanding the economic aspects of the industry.


Following her academic pursuits, Alex gained valuable experience working for the USDA within the California Federal Milk Marketing Order for three years. This experience provided her with unique insights into the intricacies of milk pricing and pooling, enhancing her understanding of dairy market dynamics.

Betty Berning, Contributing Dairy Economist, HighGround Dairy


Betty Berning is HighGroud’s Contributing Dairy Economist, providing commentary on the domestic dairy markets. Betty has extensive experience in the agricultural supply chain and has held a wide variety of roles including Senior Dairy Buyer at General Mills, Loan Officer at Farm Credit, Extension Educator at the University of Minnesota, and has worked on her family's dairy farm in Central Minnesota. These experiences have enabled her to understand both the challenges farmers face as well as the decision-making processes of food companies and consumers. Her passion is writing, teaching, and presenting on dairy to interested audiences everywhere. In her free time, she repairs things that her three sons break, hones her sandwich making skills, and regularly visits her family's dairy where her sons' energy is put to good use. Occasionally she catches an episode of the Golden Girls on her couch with a glass of pinot noir.

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